"Alright I do want to be a woman. I'll do anything you want." "I have another suggestion," said Dr. Hepstein. "Your training can best be handled by strangers. I suggest that Mary take a long trip abroad and that you move to our estate. My sisters have much experience in educating and training girls and you can spend six months under their guidance. Of course you will have to do the housework in return and I can promise you now it won't be easy. You will have to be very firm in your decision in order to undergo the strict training of your new mistresses and complete the course." "I know now what I have to do, and I will do everything to achieve it," said John.

That same evening John wrote his statement, while Mary and Dr. Hepstein looked over his shoulder and dictated changes to make the document watertight.

Mary excitedly made plans for the next day. "In the morning you must call the Salvation Army to haul away all your man's clothes. Then we will go to a hairdresser so you can get a permanent wave. Your hair is long enough now. Then we will go to the jewellers and have your ears pierced. Then we will have to get you some more dresses and lingerie."

"Don't buy any dresses for him," said Dr. Hepstein. He won't need any. He will be wearing only uniforms during his training." John felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this. What was he letting himself in for?

"We will have to refer to John as 'she' from now on said Dr. Hepstein. Please don't forget this Mary."

"Okay, girlie," said Mary, "right now I also want you to send letters to the banks and our stockbroker giving me power-of-attorney to the various accounts and withdrawing your authority over all these financial matters."

John did so reluctantly. Things were all of a sudden moving very fast, and he felt pushed and overpowered by the two females. It was now late at night and Dr. Hepstein left.

Mary said, as she went to her bedroom," Miss, I want you to wake me early, and serve me breakfast in bed. You're going to have a busy day tomorrow."

"Yes, Mary," replied John. "I think it is better if you no longer call me my first name," Mary remarked nastily. "Mrs. Howard, will do." John was too tired to make a rebuttal.

That night he slept well and deep. He felt relieved. The die was cast and tomorrow would bring a new life, with happiness, beauty, without pressures of business or finances.

The next morning John woke with a feeling of expectancy.

He made breakfast as ordered and knocked at Mary's door at 8:00 o'clock. He was dressed in his usual white blouse and black skirt and even had remembered to put on his apron. "Good morn-


ing, Ma'am" he said jokingly. Mary did not reply, but it was obvious that she no longer would tolerate any jokes or familiarities from John.

"Have you called the Salvation Army yet, to pick up your clothes?"

"No, but I'll do it right away Mary."

"Stop that familiar tone at once," she said. "You will have to remember your new status around here, if you want us to get along." John barely contained himself and finally said blushingly, "Yes,


In a short while the truck came and Mary made John help the driver load the truck, making sure that every single piece of masculine attire was donated. Socks, ties, belts, pants, T-shirts, pyjamas, shoes, indeed everything. The pick up man was quite happy seeing all these clothes most in excellent condition. John felt as if he were giving part of himself away.

Watching the truck drive away he thought, "There goes my past. What will the future bring me? There is certainly no turning back now. I hope that I am doing the right thing and that this will bring me happiness and peace of mind."

Little did he know how he had been tricked and how unfairly they would treat him.

Mary was waiting for him on the doorstep. "I want you to get dressed immediately. Put on that black dress I have laid out on the bed. Your hairdresser's appointment is in 30 minutes."

While John changed and repaired his makeup he thought to himself how appropriate it was to wear black on a day like this. The burial of his old male self. With the sheer black stockings and black shoes Mary had readied, John looked he was in mourning alright.

Mary drove the car and went in with him instructing the beauty salon operator what she wanted done and how. John was put in an cape and patiently sat in the chair while the girl washed his hair and while it was drying. Then she started the permanent wave while John patiently sat through this new experience, listening to the feminine chatter and inhaling the strange odors. The girl spent quite some time with his hair, remarking how nice and thick it was. "How come, you have it so short, Madam?" she asked. John blushed and tried to explain his mannish long hair by saying that he tried to cut it himself.

Finally, she was finished and when he looked in the mirror he could not believe his eyes. There he was with a nice curly hairdo. The girl had also given him a beauty treatment and had refinished his makeup. He had to admit, he was attractive-a real "looker."

Mary had gone out to do some shopping while John was having his hair done. When she came back in, John could see in her eyes that she was very pleased. As they were leaving John started to open